The problem with playing Wordle if you’re a health policy person is that you’re inclined to guess all the 5-letter acronyms you know. Seriously. Just now we reported news on TEFCA and USCDI, and we probably would have put in NIST before realizing it was only four letters. Our biggest problem may be the 5-letter “HITAC” (ONC’s Health Information Technology Advisory Committee), because we so often attend those meetings that we find ourselves fighting the urge to just type H-I-T-A-C into the little squares. Just yesterday, HITAC held a virtual meeting to review projects already launched and discuss its CY22 work plans. There is a lot on their plate, like improving interoperability of lab order and lab result data, better defining SDOH data and ensuring interoperability between SDOH data and patient records, and how to deal with all the consumer-facing / focused data — like how can patients share data they have on their smartphones with their doctor’s electronic health record system? It is a seriously lengthy set of to-do’s — so it seems possible that HITAC’s next agenda item will be how to upload patient data via Wordle.