Author: Paige Kobza (Page 8)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The spring holiday falls during the Christian season of Lent, when strict rules that forbid meat-eating or alcohol consumption are waived to properly celebrate Saint Patrick…
Only one guy wanted the job of passing out Oscars this year: late night show host Jimmy Kimmel. According to the promo, ABC chose Jimmy Kimmel because he is both…
Just like the original recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken, secrets are supposed to be kept secret (oops). That is why we enjoy the 2007 National Treasure: Book of Secrets movie.…
It is pretty rare when a book can help with specific action items (not mere inspiration) so that you can tackle something new and complicated. Life’s Little Instruction Book comes…
To help us all look forward to something, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are bringing their unique brand of comedy to four cities beginning in April. Tickets for the show…
Because literally no one drinks Pepsi anymore, the company hired both Steve Martin and Ben Stiller to do separate, hilarious Super Bowl ads pretending to like Pepsi Zero. While we…
If déjà vu smelled like smoky vanilla, it would smell SO GOOD in here. Tom Brady retired, again. Real-life-recent-bride J.Lo plays the bride in yet another (9 times?!) let’s-get-married movie…
If you’re interested in heavy drama between former friends who are testing each other’s loyalties, you can either flip on coverage of the U.S. House leadership saga, or you can…
Watching stories unfold when you know how they end is weirdly fascinating. This week, we stayed glued to the screen during two movies based on real-life — Women Talking and…
You may think that a weekly blog featuring movie vignettes would, on this particular Friday, invoke one of the twelve Friday the 13th movies produced since 1980. Alas, we are…