Author: Paige Kobza (Page 5)
Holy Kleenex, Batman! It was right under our nose and we blew it. On this day in 1966, the live-action TV series Batman premiered on ABC and was a huge hit. I was…
Well, that was ridiculous. I mean, really. (And yes, “I” – this is Julie Barnes. I write these posts. It is a new year — time to drop the royal…
Why do they call it a break? As we anticipate the end of our winter / holiday break, the thought of getting back into the regular routine makes us want…
We’re not feeling it. Everyone seems to be in the mood to have an “and so” moment about 2023 or predict what will happen in 2024. We do not share…
If I can’t bring my dog, I’m not coming. Shouldn’t this be an RSVP option for the many invites to the holiday parties and dinners? What a powerful way to…
Let’s focus on the positive. Last week we tried to relax, but here we are – right back in the thick of things. It is all too much to do…
Maybe we should all just relax. With the holidays approaching and a total lack of civil discourse, taking a break is what Congress decided to do. In an apparent nod…
There’s a lot going on. And it is not clear exactly who is in charge. It is like the movie The Adjustment Bureau (available on Netflix). It is a clever,…
Time to refresh, revitalize, and rejuvenate. You know, happy words to describe “this is the same old thing but we are going to shine it up so we can feel…
Are you focused on your everyday, regular work? We’re struggling with so many distracting and terrible things going on in the world. It is also tough to concentrate on impossibly…