Author: Paige Kobza (Page 5)


February 9, 2024

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Does that include the Super Bowl? Can we talk about our observations of Taylor Swift as she watches her man Travis Kelce or…


February 2, 2024

There are good surprises and bad surprises. When you put on a coat that you haven’t worn in a while and find cash in the pocket, that’s good. When you…


January 26, 2024

It is literally impossible to be a woman. Definitely impossible to get awards for it. Admission: I may be a little upset that neither Margot Robbie nor Greta Gerwig were…


January 19, 2024

I am thinking about fish this week. Coming from the land-locked, upper-Midwest region, fish are not usually top of mind. But this week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments…


January 12, 2024

Holy Kleenex, Batman! It was right under our nose and we blew it. On this day in 1966, the live-action TV series Batman premiered on ABC and was a huge hit. I was…


January 5, 2024

Well, that was ridiculous. I mean, really. (And yes, “I” – this is Julie Barnes. I write these posts. It is a new year — time to drop the royal…


December 29, 2023

Why do they call it a break? As we anticipate the end of our winter / holiday break, the thought of getting back into the regular routine makes us want…


December 22, 2023

We’re not feeling it. Everyone seems to be in the mood to have an “and so” moment about 2023 or predict what will happen in 2024. We do not share…


December 8, 2023

If I can’t bring my dog, I’m not coming. Shouldn’t this be an RSVP option for the many invites to the holiday parties and dinners? What a powerful way to…


December 1, 2023

Let’s focus on the positive. Last week we tried to relax, but here we are – right back in the thick of things. It is all too much to do…